Research and Planning

Hi, it's Jenna again! For my commercial I have decided to do a Hot Wheels commercial. I decided to do this based on my younger sister's love for the cars, and my available access to these toys. My younger sister loves cars and is very dramatic, so I have also made this choice because she begged me to be the star in all of my projects for this class. She is also a huge fan of the toy, and has a talent for being able to play with them for hours on end. I haven't narrowed my song choices down much. I have a few genres in mind for the song. For the rock genre, I have the songs "Born to Be Wild" by Aerosmith and The Runaway's "I Love Playing With Fire" in mind. These songs have a certain feeling of energy and power, which is typically seen in commercials for both toy and real cars. However, I may consider taking the ad in a different direction. I may try using pop music to give a happy and upbeat tone. For this, I have the song "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga. My final idea for the music is to do an indie song. I feel the song "Juban District" by Ginger Root or the song "Nina" by Crumb would also be a great idea for this selection. Realistically speaking, I will most likely do the classic Aerosmith song. I'm still undecided on where I should shoot in terms on location. I will most likely shoot in multiple locations. One location would be in my room with my sister. Another could be a parking lot. This would be where we film the cars driving. All in all, I still have any choices to make, and not a lot of time to make them.

See you soon!



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