Production Blog - My First Video Diary
It's Jenna again! I have been working on my commercial. I saw the rubric said you need 2-3 videos with you in it for full credit. Unfortunately, I am extremely photo shy, and don't have many items of media of myself. To fix this problem, I made a video diary yesterday. I decided to be a good big sister and daughter by taking my younger sister to her gymnastics class. My mom was exhausted from work, and I am grateful for her sacrifices as a single mom, and I wanted to return the favor. In the video, you can see us walking there while I drag her in her wagon. I think a big problem with the video is that you can barely hear anything over my panting. In my defense its a 20 minute walk. You can also see her eating the carrots and cucumbers I prepared for her, and my hungry eyes regretting not packing anything for myself. Next class I will do my last production blog, and I work as a greeter at the movies on Friday and a food runner on Sunday. Both positions have free time when its slow, so if time allows. I'll put my commercial together then. Per labor laws, I get a half an hour break each shift, and I am on a strict savings plan, so to prevent myself from giving in and buying food, I could probably work on the commercial then too. I can probably walk around a film the second video as well. I am using iMovie to do my commercials. My storage is packed full with photos, so I was forced to delete some apps and accidental screenshots. I was planning to film more today, but I have an interview at 4.
Wish me luck and see you next time!
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