Production Blog- My Second Video Diary

Hi, it's Jenna again! Yesterday was my last video diary for this class. Although I had originally planned to do it at work today, I then came to the realization that my coworkers would probably bully me out of it. Today I work from 4-12, and school finishes at 3. Luckily, I bought an energy drink yesterday to get me through it. I am slowly finding photos of myself to put in the commercial. I am worried about the fact that I don't  have any photos just of myself. Hopefully that won't affect my grade. I have also been struggling to focus in school due to the excessive amount of people in all my classes. Normally, I could do all of this in my study hall, and be done extremely quickly. However, I made a somewhat bad decision last year that is preventing me from getting my study hall. I joined the Soaring L's Mentorship program, not just as a mentor, but as a lead mentor. I also happened to get the history teacher (who shall remain nameless) who likes in drowning his students in a heaping pile of homework. Both this and the program demand lots of my free time. Unfortunately, so does my job. Hopefully, I can split my time between here and times where the customers actually leave me alone, to do this project. I have goals to have straight A's this year to keep my 4.5 GPA. I have faith that if I continue working non-stop and survive on nothing but popcorn and energy drinks. Worst case scenario, I end up in the hospital and I get a homework break for a few days. 

See you next time!



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