Production Blog - Brainstorming

 Good morning! I woke up to the surprising fact that the commercial has changed from the previous two years. I had a sister who I helped film her Vans commercial and a friend who did a Crayola commercial. Luckily, this commercial seems easier. This new project will essentially be an IMovie about my life using pictures and videos. I don't have many photos of myself, so I'll have to take some. The only photos I have of myself is one from work, a few from my trips and a ton with my little sister. You'll soon know what she looks like, because she will definitely be a big part of this, and future projects. The camera part on my phone is also broken. It broke the other day out of nowhere. This was extremely frustrating because this is the only device I can use to film. We made an appointment at the Apple store, and we're hoping the repair cost is reasonable. I have decided that the song I will use will be Mayla by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. This song is definitely one of my favorites because of the slow acoustic and melodic tune. I also grew up listening to the band. I feel that because of this, it would be a great song for my commercial. If for some reason I can't do that song, or decide not too, I'll probably use the song Imperium by Ghost. Ghost is one of my favorite artists, and this song in particular is instrumental. I feel the synchronized instruments playing in harmony will be a perfect song for the photos I plan to use. Until I decide, I will carefully select my photos. 

See you next time!


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