One more down

 Welcome to my production blog. Janae and I are happy to say that we began filming and finding actors are friends. Sam has volunteered graciously to play one of the characters she is in the theater program and think she would make a great fit for this video. she has an artsy sense of style, and knows how to navigate a Camera easily. The costumes looks stunning. My favorite is probably Janae‘s costume which has bright, glittery sparkles, and really compliments her eyes. She is in love with her costume and is thrilled to be wearing it for a music video. M my costume is also wonderful. I feel it suits me very well. I feel I could wear it on a daily basis and not feel weird, so I feel comfortable spending my money on that. I was a little taken back about how much it costs due to me working minimum wage, but Janae assured me that I would fall in love with it and I’m so glad she made me buy it because it is my favorite dress. We will be using fairy lights as props and a trumpet and some sort of microphone. I’m hoping we can finish this project soon because I have many things to do .I like getting work out of the way. I have a draw working at a movie theater which is very demanding during this time of year. It gets so busy and they even provide us with energy drinks to keep us motivated. I’m also in five honest classes and I’m hoping to get this music video out of the way so I can focus on the overwhelming amount of homework I have for other classes. luckily, most of my teachers are very lenient with their grades I have to get going. I’ll see you next time. Have a great day. -Jenna


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